Navigating access and participation: Why your institution needs more than just a statement

Sep 4, 2024

At illuminare Education, we understand that fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment is essential for any educational institution.

Our specialised services in developing Access and Participation Plans (APPs) are designed to help institutions not only meet the rigorous requirements of the Office for Students (OfS) but also to create meaningful and lasting pathways for student success.

One key aspect that often confuses institutions is the difference between an Access and Participation Statement (APS) and an Access and Participation Plan (APP). 

While both are important, understanding the nuances between them is crucial for maximising both institutional impact and funding opportunities.

Access and Participation Statement (APS): A commitment to inclusion


An Access and Participation Statement (APS) is a concise document that outlines your institution’s commitment to widening access and participation for underrepresented student groups. 

It serves as a public declaration of your dedication to equality and diversity, providing a general overview of the strategies and measures in place to support these students.


Typically, an APS is brief, focusing on key initiatives and the institution’s overall approach to inclusivity. 

It is not intended to provide a detailed account of specific plans or outcomes but rather to highlight the institution’s values and commitment to broadening access.


While an APS is vital for demonstrating your institution’s commitment to widening participation, it is not sufficient for securing the full spectrum of available funding. 

To access the additional financial support offered by the OfS, a more detailed and comprehensive plan is required.

Access and Participation Plan (APP): A blueprint for success


An Access and Participation Plan (APP) is a comprehensive document that is essential for OfS approval. 

Unlike an APS, an APP is detailed, outlining specific, measurable strategies and actions designed to improve access, success, and progression for underrepresented student groups. 

It is a crucial tool for any institution aiming to make a significant impact on student outcomes.


The APP goes far beyond a simple statement of intent. It includes in-depth analysis, targeted interventions, clear objectives, and detailed action plans. 

Additionally, it incorporates robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks to assess the effectiveness of these initiatives. 

This level of detail not only demonstrates your institution’s commitment but also provides a clear roadmap for achieving and measuring success.


Securing approval for your APP from the OfS is critical for accessing additional funding. 

This financial support is designed to help institutions implement and sustain their access and participation strategies, ensuring that more students have the opportunity to succeed.

Why choose illuminare Education?

At illuminare Education, we specialise in guiding institutions through the development of both APS and APP documents. 

Our expertise ensures that your institution’s plans are not only compliant with regulatory requirements but also strategically designed to maximise impact and funding opportunities. 

By partnering with us, you can be confident that your institution is taking meaningful steps towards a more inclusive future.

Let us help you turn your commitment to widening access into a comprehensive plan for success.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your institution in developing a robust Access and Participation Plan. 

Together, we can create pathways to success for all students.

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